Thursday, May 1, 2008

A friend, suddenly asked me on msn today, when I will be getting married. I told him that its gonna take time because I'm still single at this time. He told me not to work so hard, don't hole myself up in the office all day long.

He said that I should spend some time going out with friends, get to know more girls. If I found someone I fancy, I should not wait and go ahead.

I told him that I am one of those on the 'Unwanted' list. No one would fancy me. He just laughed and told me not to be so pessimistic. Everyone will meet their right one someday. I agreed, but I also told him that, it will never happen to me...

He asked about me about the incident. Is it because I have not let it go. I said no, it's just that I know myself better than anyone...

He laughed, and he told me that I do not know about myself. It's my friends, people like him, who knows me the best. He told me that I brought laughter and fun to their lives. He said that I showed them when to be freaking serious and when to have all out fun.

The best thing of all, is that I show them when to be a mature individual and when to be a childish kid. He said that everyone knows who a person I am. The only bad point about me is that, I work too hard when I don't have someone with me...

I told him that since I don't have someone with me, I don't have to spend time with anyone, might as well work. He said that if that's my thinking, I'm gonna be like this forever. I said that let time takes its course... When you try too hard for something, its gonna be much worse...

He scolded me, saying that this is the way of a coward, and its a lame excuse for not trying. He told me to be myself, show the others who I really am...

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